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  • July Virtual Meeting - Resolution Copper Project Update

July Virtual Meeting - Resolution Copper Project Update

  • 22 Jul 2020
  • 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
  • https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ODkxNGE0YzUtYTJkMC00MzhlLWFhOTktMzRiZDk5NWZmNDhl%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%227f90057d-3ea0-46fe-b07c-e0568627081b%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22cd0fe7ac-ba1c-445d-b621-f8338bd1ea18%22%7d


  • Anyone that wants to join the virtual call can register to get a head-count. No fees will be applied.
  • Limit to 2 (two) sponsors per virtual meeting

Registration is closed


Program: Resolution Copper Process Design and Project Update







We have received numerous sponsorship requests for this month's virtual meeting. SME Tucson would like to thank you! Moving forward, we will be capping the sponsorhip number to two sponsors per virtual meeting and sponsors will be selected on a first come first served basis, so, keep an eye out for future events!

Speaker: Anita Marks, Principal Advisor, Rio Tinto - Resolution Copper

Event Information: Join our virtual meeting to learn about Resolution Copper's process design and project update.  

About the Speaker: Anita is the Principal Advisor, Processing at Resolution Copper in Superior, Arizona. She graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in Mining and Mineral Process Engineering in 1988. She has been in the industry over 32 years. 24 of those years were direct, hands-on experience in operating plants and concentrators. That time encompassed various facilities with increasing levels of responsibility from Jr. Metallurgist to Operations Manager. The last 4 years she has applied her vast operational, processing, mechanical and project expertise to the design of the Resolution Copper Concentrator. Other plant and design experience has included oilsand, potash, lithium, zinc and nickel concentrators. She also has two patents on oil sand processing and one patent pending on lithium brine processing. She has a passion to develop young professionals to become great metallurgists and her other passion is road biking.

Virtual Meeting Information: 

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

+1 213-379-9608   United States, Los Angeles (Toll)

Conference ID: 689 654 978#

Instructions on how to join this meeting: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/join-a-meeting-without-a-teams-account-c6efc38f-4e03-4e79-b28f-e65a4c039508

Thank you all for your continued support. Stay safe.

SME Tucson Section
PO Box 65931
Tucson, Arizona 85728
(520) 314-5066
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