Join us for our next SME Tucson Hybrid Meeting! For those that want to join us in person, please go ahead and make your reservation. Hexagon has graciously allowed us to host this event at their office and is our venue/food/drink sponsor.
Make sure to select your meal when making your reservation. Reservation deadline is Friday, August 12th, at noon. If you choose to join virtually, you will receive a link prior to the event.
All in-person attendees will be required to complete a COVID screening, which will be sent prior to the event.
Program: Geophysics and Mining Hydrogeology
Venue, food, and beverage sponsor:

Meeting sponsor:

Speaker: Shawn Calendine, hydroGEOPHYSICS
Shawn Calendine is the Marketing Manager and a geoscientist at hydroGEOPHYSICS, a leader in geophysical consulting and geosciences servicing the environmental, groundwater, mining, and natural-resource exploration industries. Shawn creates long-term value for hydroGEOPHYSICS by bringing robust professional quality to the company’s marketing environment and developing strong relationships with clients, building trust through integrity, flexibility, a deep understanding of client needs, and decades of experience.
Geophysical methods can be applied to all stages of the mine lifecycle in new and innovative ways, including improving safety, aiding production, and managing environmental challenges. Most contemporary subsurface investigative techniques rely on invasive and extensive drilling programs. Drilling and assaying simply provide point-source information, which needs to be extrapolated over a broad area to estimate subsurface conditions. On the other hand, geophysical methods offer a robust alternative by providing a visual volumetric summary for improved subsurface targeting options. Geophysical technologies can enhance exploration, preconstruction investigations, locate problematic subsurface targets, and provide information for improving recovery. We also apply geophysical investigations for environmental characterization for seepage, acid rock drainage, and plume delineation. Geophysical surveys offer high-resolution spatially-continuous studies or can present a temporal component when performing the same survey multiple times, focusing on changing subsurface conditions. For this presentation, we will discuss geophysics in mining.
- 6:00pm - 7:00pm Social Hour
- 7:00pm - 7:45pm Dinner
- 7:45pm - 8:00pm Announcements (START OF VIRTUAL MEETING)
- 8:00pm - 8:30pm Program
- 8:30pm - 8:45pm Q&A
Location: HEXAGON, 40 E Congress St #300, Tucson, AZ 85701. CLICK FOR MAP.
- $25 for SME Tucson members
- $35 for non-members
- Free for UA SME Student Chapter members
- Free for virtual attendees
Payable at the door by cash, credit card, or check payable to SME Tucson.
Cancellations and No Shows:
Please call or email by the registration deadline to cancel. If you do not cancel your reservation by the deadline, SME is still required to pay for your dinner and you will in turn be billed. Thank you.
Virtual Meeting Information will be sent to registrants.
Thank you to all our 2021 Scholarship Fundraiser sponsors:
Hexagon Mining - Stantec - Freeport-McMoRan Sierrita Operations - GroundProbe - Independent Mining Consultants - Ames Construction - Ausenco - Golder Associates / WSP - KE&G Construction - M3 Engineering & Technology - Montgomery & Associates- Pioneer Equipment - Verdad Group LLC - Wood - Boart Longyear - Florence Copper - McCraren Compliance - Southwest Energy - SRK Consulting - Dr. Brad Ross - Cori Hoag - Mayes Consulting - WestLand Resources