Autonomous haul trucks are often marketed as a silver bullet for safe and efficient operations. The technology developed is fantastic, as is the price tag, and full deployment is operationally and culturally challenging. To work through these challenges, mines are taking smaller, incremental steps to maximize the safety and productivity of their existing assets. The presentation will discuss the latest technology and management approaches to proximity detection and operator fatigue that set the stage for semi-autonomous systems and that address two leading causes of mining accidents involving mobile equipment: operator fatigue and blind spots around the machines.
Include for EACH Person (badge will be printed as provided):
Costs:$25 SME Tucson members who reserve by deadline AND pay online via PayPal.
$27 SME Tucson members who reserve by deadline and pay at the door.
$35 non-members who reserve by deadline.
Add $3 to above ($28/$30/$38) for late RSVPs if space allows. Free for current UA mining students who are UA SME members. Payable at the door by cash or check payable to SME TucsonCost does not include bar drinks. Cash bar is available.