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  • Tom Goodell, Resolution Copper

Tom Goodell, Resolution Copper

  • 12 Mar 2014
  • 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Sheraton Tucson, 5151 E. Grant on the northeast corner of Grant & Rosemont


  • Member of SME Tucson that pays at the door on the event day.
  • Member of SME Tucson Section that pays with PayPal ahead of time.
  • Not a member to SME Tucson Section
  • Must be a current UA mining student and member of UA SME.

1 registration per individual. Please enter full first name, last name, and company - these will appear on your badge as entered.
Program:  Tom Goodell, Resolution Copper

Sponsor: Mintec

Tom Goodell, General Manager - Resolution Copper's Underground Exploration Project Number 10 Shaft Development.

Registration Deadline is 12PM on Friday before dinner:

  • Online: www.smetucson.org then select Events & RSVP, then click the Register button for the event.
  • Email: smetucson@gmail.com
  • Phone:  (520) 292-1000 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (520) 292-1000 FREE  end_of_the_skype_highlighting (Kalyn, Geotemps)

Include for EACH Person (badge will be printed as provided):

  1. First Name Spelled Out
  2. Last Name Spelled Out
  3. Company / Organization Spelled Out
Location: Sheraton Tucson at 5151 E. Grant -- northeast corner of Grant & Rosemont. Use Conference Center Entrance on west side of the hotel.

$25 SME Tucson members who reserve by deadline AND pay online via PayPal.

$27 SME Tucson members who reserve by deadline and pay at the door.

$35 non-members who reserve by deadline.

Add $3 to above
($28/$30/$38) for late RSVPs if space allows.
Free for current UA mining students who are UA SME members.
Payable at the door by cash or check payable to SME Tucson
Cost does not include bar drinks. Cash bar is available.

Cancellations and No Shows: Please call or email by the registration deadline to cancel.  If you do not cancel your reservation by the deadline, SME is still required to pay for your dinner and you will in turn be billed. Thank you.

SME Tucson Section
PO Box 65931
Tucson, Arizona 85728
(520) 314-5066
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